You could hardly find a man never having an interest to his idol’s biography. The movie, sport, big business celebrities. What were they like when a child, a teenager? What did everything begin with? How was the formation process going on? We burrow eagerly in archives, everything is interesting to us, such as what they thought, what they spoke to their friends about, what they were wearing, what house they lived … for a long time me look thoroughly at their turned yellow photos, sometimes amateur ones, of quite poor quality. We are trying to reincarnate in our minds even a few moments of our idol’s past life. But there are too few photographs. The photographing was laborious enough at that time and that’s why it was hardly available. Not saying about the scant filmstrips of the home cameras which were black and white, scratched, badly twitched and broken at the most interesting places.
but! We have already XXI century at present. The technologies for photo-, video- and sound record have reached the astonished peaks. Light, compact cameras in many times excel in quality their heavy, clumsy and incredibly expensive predecessors.
And here I have thought. Why don’t I begin writing a biography at once, from the very beginning? When it’s not a remote past but it’s real, current present and sometimes it’s future. As to me it would be a right biography.
And that idea came to my mind while I was watching my swimming coach’s daughter. I was thinking, “Here is a future star, even a little star or the least baby-star.” Who knows how life will be going on? And I would begin filming. The girl is quite likable for me. We have already made friends. And it’s interesting to me to work with her. Even more! If she unexpectedly doesn’t become either an Olympic champion or movie star, all the same she will have fond memories of herself and I will have a practice in film shooting and editing. I’m willing to have it my future profession.
So a little bit about Lina. At the age of 12 she became a Wushu country champion at her age category. At the same time she was seriously fond of synchronous swimming. At her 13 she took part in quite a number of grand shows of the Water Theatre being equal to the grown up sportsmen of rather high level. In autumn of the same year she adopted her rank of country champion and began trainings for Wushu European championship.
Lina has a good sport genealogy. Her mother is a European champion of synchronous swimming, her grandmother was a member of Olympic team for calisthenics.
And as for me, I begin writing a biography in HD- and 3D-graphics.
Kiss you, yours Barmaleus (Camerist)